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Internet Freedom At Risk !

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Internet Freedom At Risk ! Empty Internet Freedom At Risk !

Post by Spiral Wed Jul 06, 2016 6:38 pm


Your ability to access the open internet could be restricted next month.

The European Commission is finalising Europe's Net Neutrality guidelines by the end of August -- and the draft they published has some dangerous loopholes.

We need to fix the loopholes -- and if we don't, then telecom monopolies will win the power to manipulate our access to the internet -- affecting every single website you visit.

We only have two weeks to tell the European Commission to close the loopholes. Can you comment today?

Click here to submit your comment to EU regulators now and save the internet.

We have good reason to believe we could win. After SumOfUs members mobilized, along with members from hundreds of other organisations, a US federal court ruled in June that high-speed internet service can be defined as a utility there -- meaning it can't be restricted like the big telecom companies wanted.

Now Europe is deciding on the same issue, and we need to respond!

A coalition of concerned citizens from NGOs around Europe that care about civil liberties in the digital realm are organizing a massive online protest to drive comments to BEREC, the Body of European Regulators of Electronic Communications.

We won in the US. But the Internet is global, and Europe is the largest economy in the world. How will our favourite sites, and alternative networks and apps thrive, if ISPs can throw them into a slow-lane? How will we spread the latest freedom-enhancing tools like VPNs, TOR, p2p video streaming, and blockchain apps, when European ISPs can make them unusably slow for hundreds of millions of people?

This will affect people in the UK too -- this legislation will still affect everyone in spite of the Brexit vote.

This is a fight we all need to win, wherever we live. Anyone can submit a comment to BEREC, the EU organization making the decision.

Can you send your comment right now?


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Join date : 2016-02-26


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